“On 2nd June 1942, 50 people arrived in the Terezin ghetto by transport I/1 from Berlin.” In such a curt way did so far only Protectorate prisoners (from Bohemia and Moravia) learn about the arrival of the first German speaking Jews from the daily command of 3rd June. Those transports were specific. Last groups of original […]
Newsletter 3/2012
Unveiling of a memorial plaque in memory of orphaned children – Jeneralka castle in Prague
A memorial plaque was unveiled in ceremony at Jeneralka Castle in Prague 6 on 11th June 2012. The plaque is to commemorate 46 children who became orphans after repressions during so called Heydrichiade and who were interned there by the Nazis between 1942 and 1944. The initiative to place a memorial plaque at Jeneralka was […]
Announcement of the results of the Terezin Memorial literary and art competitions
XVIIIth literary and XVIth art competitions aimed at drawing attention to the 65th anniversary of the Terezin Memorial establishment. Therefore, the same theme “Memory, Remembrance, Commemoration” was chosen for both of them. There were 599 individual and team works from 120 schools throughout the Czech Republic sent into the competitions. The award ceremony took place […]
Seminars for the Czech teachers „How to teach about the Holocaust“
Terezin Memorial, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, Museum of the Romani Culture in Brno and the Jewish Museum in Prague prepare for spring 2013 two seminars „How to teach about the Holocaust“ for Czech teachers in the terms: March 15 – 17, 2013 and March 22 – 24, 2013. More information you […]