The exhibition Testimony of the Town’s Changes – Terezín in the Building Plans and Documents of the Jewish Self-Administration 1941-1945. On July 14, 2016 guests gathered in the lobby of the cinema of the Ghetto Museum in Terezín to attend a preview of a documentary exhibition staged by the Terezín Memorial and called Testimony of […]
Newsletter 3/2016
Teaching was strictly forbidden!
The traditional announcement of the names of the winners of the 22nd literary and 20th fine-art competitions, held by the Terezín Memorial as the Hana Greenfield Memorial in honor of the initiator and co-founder of the competitions, took place in the cinema of Terezín´s Ghetto Museum on June 8, 2016. The competitions were held under […]
Meeting of the participants in the project “Schoolchild in the war years“
Young researchers engaged in the educational project “Schoolchild in the War Years”, co-sponsored by the Terezín Memorial, the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius, the Terezín Initiative Institute and the National Institute for Further Education, met in Terezín between June 8 and 9, 2016. The aim of this gathering was to acquaint […]
Lost songs in the Magdeburg barracks
In January 2016, the quartet known as Flowered Horse recorded a CD entitled Lost Songs in the premises of the Magdeburg Barracks. This was part of the Humanita project, launched by a secondary school of trade and services in Teplice. The quartet itself is named after the leading song of a prewar program, jointly composed by two […]