The Terezín Memorial, working in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, hosted the second-tier seminar for Czech schoolteachers Holocaust in Education in the fall of last year for the 21st time.
During the four busy days of the seminar (November 23-26, 2023), teachers had an opportunity to gain insight into various methodological approaches used by lecturers and experts from domestic and foreign institutions specializing in remembrance and other fields. For instance, the Jewish Museum in Prague, the Czech humanitarian organization People in Need, the Polish Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Israeli Yad Vashem Memorial, the German House of the Wannsee Conference, the Slovak Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, representatives of the Heroic Imagination Project, the USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education, Open Eye and others presented their educational methods in Terezín.

The seminar was attended by 40 Czech teachers who actively participated in the workshops and subsequent discussions. The program also featured a performance of the children’s opera Brundibár, staged by the Disman-Čáry-Um ensemble under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Flegl.
Naděžda Seifertová, Jana Švarcová