Very special and welcome visitors stayed in the Terezín Memorial between May 14 and 16, 2018, namely staff and guides of the Israeli memorial Beit Theresienstadt (more about the memorial – Terezín Newsletter No. 1/2018). During their stay in Terezín the employees of our allied institution were introduced to the Terezín Memorial´s activities, plans and […]
Meeting of the European Members of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience in the Terezín Memorial
Between November 17 and 19, 2017 the Terezín Memorial hosted representatives of the European members of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) at a gathering held under the motto: Inspiration for a New Generation. One of the major goals of the Coalition is to involve young people in taking an active part in […]
The Holocaust Remembrance Day in Terezín – Joint Czech-German Act of Commemoration
Attended by officials representing the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, an act of remembrance was held in Terezín on January 24, 2018 to mark the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust and for the Prevention of Crimes against Humanity. The purpose of the Terezín gathering was to hand over […]
Unveiling Shoa Monument in Jindřichův Hradec
A monument commemorating the victims of racial persecution during the years 1939–1945 was unveiled at a ceremony in the city´s Zaskostelecký Square on Sunday, May 21, 2017. The author of the monument, academic sculptor Vladimír Krninský, created his work to mark the 75th anniversary of the transport of Jews from Jindřichův Hradec to Terezín. The […]