Two years elapsed in March this year since the opening of a touring exhibition entitled Being at School in the War Years (1938 – 1945) in the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague. The display summed up the work carried out by the teams taking part in the project of the same […]
TEREZÍN GHETTO 1941 – 1945.
Documentation on the Extant Traces from the Time of the Ghetto in the Topography of Today´s Terezín To date, the history of the Terezín Ghetto (1941 – 1945) has been examined and traced in many extensive studies, and yet the general public is still quite unaware of the fact that the entire town of Terezín […]
Beit Theresienstadt in Terezín
Very special and welcome visitors stayed in the Terezín Memorial between May 14 and 16, 2018, namely staff and guides of the Israeli memorial Beit Theresienstadt (more about the memorial – Terezín Newsletter No. 1/2018). During their stay in Terezín the employees of our allied institution were introduced to the Terezín Memorial´s activities, plans and […]
Terezín Memorial´s Department of Education would like to thank for the contributions in support of its youth educational programs We would like to thank those whose donations have contributed to the educational programs of the Terezín Memorial since the beginning of this year. Robert H. Arnow (USA) devoted his contribution in support of organizing the […]